Thinking|Think Rival

Facebook Messenger Chat for Ecommerce

Facebook Messenger Chat for Ecommerce

340726 10150489028361837 1777044054 o (1)Matthew Ryan | 2 minutes read time

    Do you use the Facebook Messenger app to chat with family and friends? If so, have you ever considered incorporating the chat bot into your ecommerce business?

    Having a live chat function for your store can be immensely appealing to your customers – they can interact with you in real time to ask questions about products, find out information about postage and delivery times and have immediate product support and advice. It also provides customers with a quick and easy way to communicate- rather than having to fill in a personal details form and include a message before sending, they can instantly start chatting with a representative of your business.

    Talking to a customer via the Messenger app also opens up an opportunity to view their personal profile, presenting you with data such as their full name, gender, age, occupation, time zone etc. This information can help to specifically tailor the conversation to that particular individual, creating a positive customer experience.

    With Messenger, you also have the ability to archive the conversation history. Your discussions and any actions performed by the visitor can be stored and used for future reference. Looking back at past chat history means you can segment the customer based on that information and target them with specific campaigns.

    Don’t forget, once you have installed Messenger you’ll need to link it to your online store! This can be done by adding the Messenger sales channel or Facebook Live Chat function to your store site, or adding the Buy Now button.

    You can also make it easier for customers who don’t have the time to browse and make purchases via your online store directly, by offering a checkout option through the chat app. This gives the customer an easy way to make a purchase, and are likely to return in future if they know they can complete a sale through a smooth and quick transaction process.

    If adding Facebook Messenger as part of your sales strategy sound appealing, we at Rival can help you with set up and continued support. Speak with us today!

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