Migrating Style State to Magento Commerce 2.0
Having utilized Magento 1 for many years, it came time to migrate the rapidly growing online store to a newer modern tech stack. Magento 2.0 was chosen as a clean pathway that incorporated many of the existing and new features Style State required.
Utilizing custom migration scripts and performance optimisations - our team was able to seamlessly migrate all products, customers, orders and shipments to the new website without losing any important data.
The new Magento 2 backend builds on top of the already powerful Magento 1 platform and gives the team at Style State a platform for growth leading into the future.

Custom built, clean and elegant site built for performance
The Style State project was a fun project to tackle by our team. Not only were we responsible for migrating thousands of products and pricing teirs - but also implementing new features such as Watch & Shop and Dynamic Look Books.
Working closely with the designers at Style State we were able to create a beautiful website that really shows off the large range of products Style State provide to their wholesale customers - drastically improving both their desktop and mobile offerings.